Theme Request

I'll leave you all the information about the request themes and samples as well right here;
*Make a custom theme always take me 5 days at least*, Please be patient.

Line Launcher Theme (Sample)

The theme will have 40-55 icons, which include Widgets as well; such as Battery, Phone Booster, and Quick Settings. I base the letters colors and Google/Tools search bars on the topic of the same theme.

Random/generic Theme order:


Line Messenger Theme order:


Why is this expensive? These requests went high for Line Messenger* because themes will be absolutely private I won't sell them after you make your order.

*I have to buy the theme, icons, and resources in order to build the app so from now an then I will be charging you for the coins that I spend on the app.




NOTE* I DO NOT edit the themes after I finished them and we agree with the setup, DO NOT ask me for a change in the Wallpaper, Font, Keyboard, Launchers etc...If you still want to change it, I will charge you $2.50. My time and yours are not the same and I am also human and I need to rest and take a break too. Please understand, Thank you.

After the donations
❣Contact me here❣


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